Music Program Overview

At Beautiful Savior Lutheran School, we follow the Manitoba Curriculum for Music, but we use violins to do this.  The overarching goal of the music curriculum is to support, nurture, and inspire the growth of every student as a music maker.

The following is taken directly from the Music Curriculum document:
Every student is a music maker, one whose growth and learning are best realized within rich, meaningful, hands-on music-making experiences. In becoming young musicians, students learn to sing and play the music of a variety of places, times, and peoples, as well as to improvise, arrange, and compose music. As increasingly reflective and artistic music-makers, students gain skills, understandings, and attitudes that enrich them in many ways, enabling and inspiring them to continue making music for the rest of their lives.

Every student is a creator and composer. Students must be given opportunities to tap into their creative capacities and express themselves through the creation and sharing of their own music. As they become capable of generating and developing ideas in the process of music creation, students learn to think with flexibility and imagination.

As increasingly capable and passionate music-makers, students begin a journey toward becoming creative, musically literate adults, the kinds of citizens who will truly enrich their own lives and the lives of their future communities.

At Beautiful Savior Lutheran School we provide the following music opportunities with our students:

Daycare/Nursery students:
     Bi-monthly music enrichment classes

Kindergarten students:
     Daily General Music classes

Grades 1-4 students:
     Daily Violin classes

Grades 5-8 students:
     Daily Band classes

All classes are expected and encouraged to participate in several musical performances throughout the school year.  We have school concerts at the school, church, in the community, and other exciting opportunities, including playing along with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra.  It is through these experiences that the students are able to value musical performance which allows the child to develop and grow both personally and musically.

Extracurricular/Private lessons:
     Mr. Blaine Badiuk conducts violin guitar, mandolin, and has an advanced fiddle group.  If you are interested, please contact Mr. Badiuk immediately.  He currently has a waiting list for private lessons.

     Samantah Chubaty conducts private piano, theory, saxophone, clarinet and flute lessons.  If you are interested, please contact Ms. Chubaty directly at 204-770-8226